Imago, Drift, Toccata
Imago was created in 2014 and points to Fugues as well as to the Atlas of New Nature. It’s all about the original condition, the “not-yet”, the potentiality. The image appears to make a fugue possible, it makes this visible in a certain sense even before it takes form. At the same time, the teeming waves point to life in a not yet defined condition.
The drawings of the series Drift, which develop since 2019, show a passive motion, a driving, a being driven. The direction is blurred. A diffuse wave seizes all parts. At the end of LOOK AND LISTEN the wave returns as a never ending wave in the book Sirene (Publications)
The Toccata from the years 2017 and 2018 announces, like an overture, the following parts of this work. The rhythm of Fugues reappears here as well as the colors of Transit and Plein-Jeu. Moreover, the architectonic character of the painting reaches all the way back to the Serial Spaces of the 1980s and 1990s.
Imago, Drift and Toccata are the first, second and third part of the seven part work LOOK AND LISTEN (Imago – Drift – Toccata – Fugen – Transit – Plein-Jeu –Sirene).